Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is This America's Future?

'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West

I hope not.


  1. This is shocking and I can see it heading this way very rapidly. When I was a teenager watching educational programmes from the East and middle East on the television we NEVER saw anyone wearing Islamic dress. Now it's everywhere even in the UK. In this city we are surrounded in every quarter by moslems who have come to this country from Eastern Europe as well as Asia, Africa and the middle East.
    They all want to take advantage of our welfare benefits and they all want everything to be tailored for them. They must accept that this is a Christian country and they chose to come here, we didn't ask them, so they should respect our customs and not impose theirs on us.
    Very often when I go out shopping, most of the voices I hear are NOT English whereas only ten years ago, it was a different story.
    I am not a rascist but I am beginning to feel in the minority in my own country but sadly, the politicians just keep telling us that 'these people enrich our country'. What a load of rubbish!

  2. Conquest is all they're after. History has proven that time and again.
