Saturday, May 14, 2011

Growing Things

The long rainy season has made for a lush spring. Instead of a week, as some seed packets suggest, I've witnessed seed bursting open and leaves popping up within a few days. It was evident with the sunflowers...and also the zuchinni.

We're planning to till up a large garden spot at dad's house this year. He can't do it anymore, but watching it grow and harvesting things here and there will be something he'll enjoy. If the rain would hold off long enough to till it, we can get started on it.

The peonies are pretty this year.

The Sweet Williams have also done well.

Wild roses are climbing trees out back...

and the blackberry briars laden with blooms, promise a huge harvest in the coming weeks.

Peety and the other cats take turns chattering at birds from the bedroom window on lazy afternoons...

while Bennie peeks around the tomatoes.

It's going to be fun watching the plants grow and picking the goodies once they ripen. We've already picked enough strawberries for two desserts and there's plenty more ripening on the vines.

The peach tree will be bearing in a year or so.

I chose the Elberta variety as it was granny's favorite. I remember her canning a bushel of them she'd bought at a farmer's market one summer. I thought it would be neat being able to pick them off the tree in your own back yard. They're so sweet and fragrant too. Peach ice cream will certainly be on the menu once they do get here.


  1. Hi Robin!

    You are so lucky to be able to grow some of your own produce, I just don't have the room but I do have some strawberry plants that a friend gave me and they have got fruit coming. Because we have had drought conditions since the beginning of the year I have had to water them regularly and today I put some canes and netting over so that the birds and squirrels don't get to eat them first!

  2. Hi Grandma!

    Yes, I'm looking forward to those peaches.
    The insects have gotten several nice strawberries before I could but I don't want to use any insecticides. I've just got to be quicker in picking them I guess. Netting is a good idea too!
