Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Relaxing Day

It's been a quiet and relaxing day here in Hitchins.

Mister is taking advantage of a nice spring afternoon with a good nap. He and Gracie just finished a nice lunch of roast chicken. I had a salad in front of the TV watching my favorite old movie of all time, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir". The one with Gene Tierney & Rex Harrison is my favorite. I'm going to try and paint Captain Gregg's portrait from the movie. It's going to be a challenge figuring out the colors from a black and white photo of it, but I'll do my best. I'll post pics of it when it's finished.

I cleaned out a few more flower beds yesterday evening. The hostas are now popping out of the ground a few inches and the peonies are almost a foot tall. Some perennials from last year are growing fast in the front garden too. I'm going to be adding some nasturtiums, zinnias and sunflowers to the front garden again this year as well. I'll start planting seeds next week.


  1. I love the picture of Mister relaxing. Your garden sounds gorgeous already. I used to have a peony years ago but it took up most of the garden. When Eden comes over next week we will have to divide an enormous hosta which is very badly pot bound. If I put it in the ground the snails will scoff the lot!

  2. Thanks for the compliment grandma. I'll post pics when everything blooms. Put some sharp stones around those hostas. Snails hate those! lol

  3. Robin, I can't wait to see your pictures when everything blooms. You just reminded me to plant my sunflower seeds. I wasn't sure when a good time was to do that, but I think I'll try that next week too!
