Monday, October 11, 2010

Been Busy

I've been working on a new project, and I must say, I'm rather pleased with it so far. It's a candle mat hand-worked with English Paper pieces. English Paper piecing is a traditional quilting method dating back to at least 1813.
My great-grandmother, Ophelia, left my grandmother a beautiful quilt she had made using that method. I believe the pattern was called "grandmother's flower garden. Each hexagon was the same size and pieced perfectly together. I just knew I could never come close to anything as beautiful as her quilt. That method requires loads of patience, but the results are stunning. I've got the top together and made a pattern for the rest of it, now all that's left is cutting the batting, the back and quilting it. I'll post a pic when it's finished.

Last night, around 9:00pm, I checked on the cats out on the deck before getting ready for bed. I found it odd that they were all sitting on the railing and looking up toward the woods. Then, I saw what they were watching.
I grabbed my camera so you could see them too.

It was funny watching both curious creatures checking out one another.

We watched them for a good half hour before they wandered back into the forest.


  1. I can't wait to see the quilt Robin. I have missed you.


  2. Hi Robin!

    Your quilt sounds beautiful so I can't wait to see it. I remember many, mnay years ago seeing some splendid specimens that had been hand made in the American Museum at Claverton in Bath.
    Aren't you lucky to have such wonderful wildlife on your doorstep too.

  3. Hi Rosemi!

    Awww...I've missed you too!

  4. Hi Grandma!

    Thanks. I wish I had the patience to make an entire quilt that way. Perhaps in time I will. I thought I'd start small at the beginning and just try making a candle mat.

    The deer are beautiful. I can't help but quietly watch them. They're so graceful and yet powerful creatures.

    They stayed in the forest last night as the minister was mowing later than normal. I don't think they care for the noise of lawn tractors. It drowns out sounds of potential predators I'd imagine.
