Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chilly Mornings

The mornings have been chilly with autumn now in full swing.

We've yet to have that first killing frost, but the temps have dropped dangerously close.

We weren't able to find homes for Penny's kittens. One disappeared but the two red tabby males and the tortoise shell female is still here. We've named the red males "Boo Boo" and "Sammy". "Molly" seemed to fit the little female for some reason.

Boo Boo has bonded with me now and it's as though he was never afraid of people at all.

Sammy is still a little nervous but lets me pet him. Molly, on the other hand, is still terrified. I found out yesterday that a neighbor's child has been chasing her. I've put a stop to that so hopefully, she too will now calm down and trust me eventually.

I've made them a nice warm bed on the deck with blankets inside a large cage and with sheets and blankets covering it to keep the wind out. They all crawl inside at night and cuddle until morning. They will be fine there on those cold winter nights.

I've been pouring over my cookbooks to find some welcoming comfort foods to surprise Ray with after a long day at work. I want his home to be warm and inviting like my mother made ours.

I can remember as a child coming home from school to a warm house with misty windows.

I could smell her chili simmering on the stove from the other end of the house and could hardly wait until dinner time.

I've found recipes for chicken pot pies, chicken and dumplings and tempting beef stews too. It's going to be a tasty fall and winter. :)


  1. Hi Robin!

    I like your pictures, you've really captured the 'feel' of autumn and I wish I was in the countryside to enjoy the misty mornings.
    We've just had a couple of nights with very low temperatures but the days are not too bad. I have been in the cookery books as well and with all the wonderful root vegetables at the farmers' market now, there will always be plenty of soup on the menu as well as the stews and casseroles!

  2. Sounds wonderful. Craig always loves it when he comes home and the house smells like dinner. Happy fall!
