Monday, February 7, 2011

The Flu

Even though he got a flu shot, Ray got another strain of the flu last week and now I have it too.

Didn't realize your sides could get sore from blowing your nose so much, but it's true.
I highly recommend "Puffs Plus" tissues. The added lotion sure saves your nose from the tissue burn, but if you use anything else and your nose gets raw, don't put any "Vicks Vapo Rub" on it. It will burn like fire. I found that out the hard way.
"Halls" cherry cough drops are pretty good at opening up your sinuses but then you'll use that box of tissues up in no time.

After shutting your nose completely with swelling and congestion, this strain then moves to your chest for a shot at shutting down your breathing there too.

I'm on my fourth day of this viral invasion, and although I've kept my meals on time to keep my strength up, I'm still pretty weak.

I have an appointment with my new doctor this week so if I'm not better perhaps he can give me something to help.

I've been entertaining myself on my new computer playing games on Big Fish Games
You can try their games out for free for an hour to see if you like them before you buy them. I'm playing Bird's Town right now.

It's a marble popper game that's fun when you don't feel like doing much.

I'm sure I'll get to feeling better in a few more days.


  1. Hi Robin!

    Poor you and Ray! Flu is horrible whichever variety you get. Eden had swine flu a couple of weeks ago and was very poorly. I'll tell you the same as I told her, keep drinking plenty and stay in bed!
    I find the best thing for a sore nose is white vaseline smeared over after every blow right from the start. It helps to stop it from peeling later too. I really hope you will both be better soon so take care.

  2. Hi Grandma!

    Thanks for the tips and well wishes. I'll do just that.

  3. Get well friend. Wishing you good rest, lots of soothing liquids and soft tissues. Robin from the Roost

  4. Robin, I hope you feel better really soon. My hubby and I both had that flu stuff right after Christmas and it is indeed miserable.

  5. Thanks for the well wishes. We're both almost over it. This lasts almost a week. Glad that's over.
