Friday, February 11, 2011

Hints of Spring

Ray and I have seen several robins on the lawn this past week. Those feathered harbingers of spring always send my spirits soaring.
Can't wait to see those buds on the trees too. Seems as though all the trees fill with leaves within two nights once those buds appear on them.

This has been a hard winter for everyone and every thing it seems. Even the cats are looking haggard from the cold. I've made them all boxes filled with blankets and holes cut in the sides for them to run in and out of. They enjoy staying in them and out of the wind.

I've decided to plant some flower seeds and tomato plants and relax this spring. I'll keep Ray and Reverend Smith in lemonade while they mow and enjoy the scent of fresh cut grass.


  1. Sounds wonderful, planting, mowing, and lemonade. It's coming!!

  2. Hi Robin!

    I noticed the hawthorn buds were starting to open on the edge of the school field yesterday and the sun shone too. Today has been very wet and miserable but at least in another four weeks or so we will see spring really bustin' out all over!

  3. Hi Robin!

    I couldn't see your blog yesterday because some other search engine kept coming up but I thought I'd let you know it's OK today. I did see from mine that you'd been 'hacked' so I thought I'd let you know that everything appears to be normal today.

  4. Hi Grandma,

    Yes, a hacker had added malicious code to my bible widget. Everyone who used it had the same problem.

    There's a lot of hatred against Christians these days.
