Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Busy Day

The snow has arrived but it's not all that bad. The hillsides are covered but the road has been scraped and salted. Looks rather clear for the moment.

I spent the morning making chunky chicken salad and chocolate cupcakes with bakery frosting. The dressing in the chicken salad gets better as it rests in the "fridge".
Ray's going to enjoy dinner tonight.

With the freezing temps, I keep a close eye on the cat's water bowls. Every two or three hours they're iced over. It's bad enough having to be outside in this weather. They don't need to have to worry about food and water too.
I've made them a nice warm shelter with blankets and comforters to keep out the chill. They've been spending a lot of time inside it too.

The seed catalogs have been arriving in a steady stream in the mailbox, but I think the only thing we're planting this year are tomato plants. I'm just not able to garden like years past. Two tumbles into the flower garden head first taught me that last year. I wasn't hurt, but I did have a good laugh at myself.


  1. Robin,

    That salad and cupcakes sounds so yummy. I am glad it doesn't snow where I live. I get so cranky when I'm cold. I just want to hibernate all winter long. Some baking is a good idea. At least it warms the house for a little while.

    God bless you. (warm hugs)

    Mrs. A

  2. Sounds wonderful! Stay warm.

  3. Hi Robin, thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to seeing your blog and photos of your creations too. I was just thinking about seeds this morning. I have some sunflower seeds and some daisy seeds that I want to plant this spring. It says they can be planted April - August, so when the weather gets warmer I will plant them in April. I hope they do well. I love fresh cut daisies in the summer time. Your chicken salad and chocolate cupcakes sound wonderful.
