Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Busy Day

After a day of heavy rain yesterday, the grass has doubled in height and the drones of lawn tractors are ringing through the valley on this sunny afternoon.
I guess everyone's wanting to get ahead of the yard work before the weekend arrives. The weatherman is predicting more rain here for Friday and Saturday.

Today was spent cutting blocks for a rag quilt. I'm using that same fabric line called "Sip of Summer" on this one too. It's going to be really nice when it's done.


  1. Hi Robin!

    I'll bet the weeds have grown just as fast too! We really need a good few days of steady rain because we have had very little over the last month or so. It will probably rain all summer now I've said that!

  2. We're expecting rain too. I've been just mending clothes. I don't know how to quilt. It seems complicated. Can't wait to see your results. :)
