Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Ghosts of Christmas Past

Wow, this is the last day of November in the year 2010. One month to go before another year has marked it's passing.

As I was going through the boxes stored in the closet for Christmas decorations, I ran across some old photos granny had saved though the years.

This vintage Christmas picture was discovered in my great grandmother Ophelia's scrapbook.

I'm not sure how old that one is but these were taken in the 1960's:

This is my brother Michael and Me.

This one is my brother Michael, me and my brother Mark.

I remember the snowy walks to school in December, the school Christmas programs and me singing Christmas carols in the chorus. I remember the school Christmas parties and the exchanging of gifts under our class tree. One year we crafted Christmas trees by folding pages of old Reader's Digests, painting them green and shaking glitter over them. They looked so pretty!

Back then Christmas wasn't offensive to anyone. It was a time of excitement, goodwill and love. It brought out the best in all of us and most of all, it brought hope.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful memories, Robin. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures.
