Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Cleaning Begins This Week

Spring begins tomorrow evening. Yay! I'm preparing for the annual "spring clean" around here. I've decided to take one room at a time and just clean it from top to bottom. That way I won't get so overwhelmed.

We've had some sunny days and my mood has lifted quite a bit. I must be one of those who gets the winter blues. This winter has been a long and painful one, but as I said, I'm feeling lighter and brighter now.

Sissy's kittens will be a week old tomorrow.

We're going to run an ad in the local paper and see if we can find them new homes when they're old enough. We decided it was better to let her birth them inside than try to tame another litter of feral kittens.

We did manage to tame the two males "Boo" and "Sammy" from Penny's last feral litter but "Molly" still refuses to be touched.

"Peety" is growing into a handsome fellow.

He was the kitten someone dropped off on our deck this past Christmas. We thought he was a female for awhile and named him Holly. He's since forgotten that. Now he spends his days driving Bella crazy. They wrestle and play tag around the house until they both flop down from exhaustion. I did manage to get a pic of Bella during a mellow moment.

She's the kitten who's pic is in the top of the page. She turned a year old in April.

We do have a lot of cats around here...

but we also get a lot of love.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin!

    I love the pictures of the cats, they all look so well cared for and loved. I hope you manage to find good homes for some of them, perhaps they need their own page on 'Facebook'.
    Good luck with your spring cleaning too. I got rid of a lot of ornaments and other clutter so that I don't have to spend ages cleaning when the weather is good because I would raher be outside. It also means that I don't have to put up with all the aching joints because I can give it a good 'go' every time I clean.
