Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Cooling Shower

It sure has been a scorching week thus far here in Hitchins. The kittens are all hiding in dark places under the shed while the other five are napping inside on the sofa and in their baskets. I think before winter sets in, I'm going to have to invest in more baskets. These cats love curling up in them for a nice long snooze.

As soon as Ray got home, the storm hit. It was one of those fast moving systems that blows the rain sideways and in sheets. It wasn't very loud and the lightening wasn't bad either, but it cooled the air down quite a bit. At least you can breathe now without feeling as though your lungs are drying out. As soon as it passed the kittens came down to the porch for their evening meal of meat and cereal.

Abby has grown accustomed to being in a cage out on the patio table. She's always been an inside cat and isn't used to roaming free. So for her safety, we let her enjoy the outside in a cage large enough for her to stretch out in with a bowl of water and frequent checks to see if she needs in to potty. She will stand by the door and meow until I give in and let her go out when she wants to. On these really hot days, I've had to stay strong and make her stay indoors under the air conditioning. She just loves being outside and on this day she had a visitor.

1 comment:

  1. Those summer storms must really be quite something. Kittens are really fun. I loved having them around when I was little. My husband is more of a dog lover. Pets seem to know when a storm is on the way. Have you ever noticed that? They make unusual noises and act scared. It's really quite interesting.

