Friday, August 27, 2010

Feeling Better Today

Thanks to all your good wishes, and getting that poison medication out of my system, I'm feeling better today than I have in awhile. I've managed to get the housework and laundry done, the bills paid and the grocery list and meal menus for two weeks finished. I'm pacing myself and going slow.

I've just completed reading 2012: War for Souls by Whitley Strieber.
It has to be one of the most scary books I've ever read. It was so good, I couldn't put it down! Pick it up if you like a good creepy fiction novel.

My next book is Praying for Sleep by Jeffrey Deaver. He wrote the book called The Bone Collector, in which they made a movie of starring Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie. I've become a huge fan of Deaver because he knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat.

This is the last of the summer garden goodies.

We shared some tomatoes with Ray's dad and he said they were the best he'd had all season. It seems his didn't do all that well this year. I was glad we had enough to share and that he liked them so much. I'll be putting straw around them next year to keep that nasty wilt from getting to them. We were lucky it didn't hit us until later in the growing season. I may invest in a soaker hose next year. That should help.

The morning glories have done well this year.

I love that color. We planted some blue ones along with these, but the kittens trampled them before they could make it to the trellis. Oh well, there's always next year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin!

    I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. You'll have to take things slowly so that you give yourself chance to build up some more strength.
    Your tomatoes look wonderful. Mine are just beginning to ripen but although I have watered them every day, they are still splitting. This is due to the temperature going from hot to cool. I'll have to wrap them up in a blanket next year if the weather changes!
