Monday, August 16, 2010

Feeling Better Now

I'm sorry it's taken so long to post again. I've been pretty sick but feeling better now. That fall hurt me more than I thought and some new medicine made me worse than I had been feeling. It takes time to realize just what's causing you to feel so bad. One thing I've learned is to read all the side effects before you take any medication so you can recognize them when they happen. I waited two weeks before discovering the new medication had increased my blood pressure, caused horrible headaches, dry mouth, and caused a nasty sinus infection. Pretty nasty huh. Well, I called the doctor and he agreed that it wasn't the medication for me. I'm becoming more alert and stronger than I have been so thankfully, I'm on the mend.


  1. Hi Robin!

    I'm glad you're feeling better and you are right about reading what side effects medication can give you. I had some really worrying side effects to some medication that I was prescribed and when I told the doctor I had stopped taking it and why, he was horrified because what I had wasn't even listed as a side effect! He did manage to find an alternative that did the job without any nasty little 'extras'!
    You just need to concentrate on getting back to full health so make sure you take it easy and put your feet up whenever possible.

  2. Hi Robin, I was thinking about you just this morning, wondering how you were. I'm glad your feeling better. I can't help but wonder if side affects are worse than the symptoms in the first place. It is good that you read about those side affects. I hate medicine...sorry. Well, I guess I am thankful for it sometimes. I am sure glad your better though.

    I don't know if I have told you that I appreciate you. You seem to have a beautiful, gentle spirit.

    xox Rosemi

  3. Hi Grandma & Rosemi!

    Thanks for the advice and the well wishes. I've been sleeping alot and Ray's been taking good care of me too.

    Awww Rosemi, thank you for those kind words. I appreciate you too.


  4. I am so glad to hear from you and know you are doing better. I was missing your post.

  5. Hi Robin,

    Thanks. I'll try to write more in the next day or so.

  6. I have an 'Sunshine Award' for you over at my blog because you have brought me sunshine.

