Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Planting and Enjoying

I was a bit productive yesterday. I planted some corn and curled kale with some heirloom seeds I ordered a few weeks ago.

The corn is called "Country Gentleman" and will reproduce if I save some seeds.

It was first introduced in 1890. It's a sweet Shoepeg variety which means the kernals grow in random patterns and not in perfect rows on the cob. I'm gonna need a step ladder to pick it too because the stalks can grow 10 feet high. It will mature in 90 days. I hope that's tall enough to keep the deer from it. But I doubt it.

The kale is called "Dwarf Blue Curled".

It grows 12" to 15" with finely curled blue/green leaves. It takes 60 days to mature. This was the variety my grandparents grew. I remember how good it was seasoned with a slab of bacon.

Bella is keeping me company while I post this.

She enjoys sunny windows.

I took a few more photos on the morning walk.
The orange tiger lillies are starting to open now.

And the "gloriosa daisies" in the front flower garden are looking good too.

This hollyhock is into it's third year now.

It's going to have pretty pink blooms in a few more days. Did you know that tea made from hollyhock flowers helps to soothe inflammation in the mouth and throat?

The peppermint is smelling good too.

I'm going to make us some tea with it soon.

I caught this busy robin on the wire above.

Also planted some chives in various places and picked a handful of strawberries too.


  1. Wow Robin!
    You've certainly been busy in your garden. I'll bet it looks fabulous.
    Mine is a paltry 20 feet by 14 feet with a small patio which I built at the top and a path up the middle. All the herbs, including my chives and black peppermint (which makes wonderful mint sauce for roast lamb) are grown in pots to stop them taking over my growing areas.

  2. With my health what it is, gardening is one of the few things I can still do a little. The flowers and seeds don't care how long it takes to get planted. :)

    I think gardens are wonderful no matter the size they are. Your wallflowers are certainly stunning this year.

    I got a sales flyer from a nursery today that has your Sarah Bernhardt peonie in it. You've sold me on it so I'm going to invest in it along with a few others in their collection.

    That peppermint in the patio garden is spreading fast grandma. lol
    Oh well...something else to enjoy doing.
