Monday, May 31, 2010

Today's Walk

I went on my morning walk a bit ago and took some new pics to share.

The daylillies are starting to open.

And the wild, pink cabbage roses are blooming too.

The orange tiger lillies are at their peak.

And the mulberries are beginning to ripen.

And finally, I'm happy to see the zuchinni getting so big.

It won't be long until the blooms start appearing. I just love fried zuchinni slices.


  1. Hi Robin!
    Everything looks so colourful and beautiful so your weather must be better than ours. Today we have rain (the plants really need it) but it is supposed to warm up from tomorrow which will help the plants grow. Everything here is still quite green at the moment
    I love your wild roses, our dog roses are pink with a single row of five petals.

  2. Robin, your flowers are so pretty too!
