Friday, July 16, 2010


I've found that life can be a whole lot less stressful if you keep lists.
The older I get, the less I can recall, so lists are necessary.

I use Excel for the household budget list. All the monthly bills are listed along with the date they're due and the amount owed. Some can be paid online and others are paid in person. We mainly use stamps for birthday cards.

Today was weekly meal planning and the grocery list.
I love a good bargain and some store brands are just as good if not better than the national labels. I've also had some store brands that were simply nasty. If you can't eat it, then it's not a bargain now is it.

When making out the grocery list, I visualize where the items are in the store and plan the list accordingly. I also scan the weekly store ads for what's on sale and will incorporate those in my menus when I can.

Tonight we're having soft tacos. The cherry tomatoes are ripe so we'll use those.

Tomorrow, Ray's brother Bob and his wife Ursula are coming for a visit. I'm gonna make homemade pizza for our dinner.

I enjoy "culinary alchemy". That sounds more interesting to me than "cooking".
There's a certain satisfaction when a recipe turns out. I also enjoy tweaking them and making them my own. I tend to avoid those recipes with a huge list of ingredients. I guess you have to live in "The Hamptons" to afford those.
Also I know what's in my food and that clean hands prepared it. Call me crazy, but I don't trust restaurants with my food so we rarely eat out. I have to be in alot of pain before I'll settle for takeout.

Well, Ray will getting home from work before long, so I'll write more soon.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Homemade pizza, I love it!!! Hope you have a great weekend. Robin from the Roost

  2. Hi Robin!

    I have to write lists too and when I go shopping if it's just a small shop in the week, or the farmer's market, I visualise the size of the items and then decide whether I need the big shopping trolley or the smaller one! Daft I suppose.
    With regards to restaurants and take out meals, I agree wholeheartedly with you, if I aint seen it made and what went in it, it's not going inside me! Besides, I wonder how some places can justify their prices too.
    Enjoy your pizza, I'm having that tonight with tomato sauce, mozarella, green pepper and cheddar cheese.

  3. I really love your spirit about cooking. I need to adopt that. I pray some day God will cause me to tantalize my family's taste buds. Unfortunately for now my creativity is stifled in the kitchen it seems.

    Robin, thanks so much for your words of encouragement. ♥
