Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Independence Day Holiday is Almost Here!

Ray's taking the day off tomorrow so he can spend a three day weekend with me. He has to work on monday. That's the official holiday day off around here.
We're going to Dad's for a cookout saturday. Sunday is the big fireworks display around the neighborhood. Our neighbors rival any big fireworks display and as a matter of fact, this is the first year anniversary of the "Stitchin' in Hitchins" blog.
I'll have the camera ready again this year and hopefully will get some nice pictures again.

Hung a bird feeder up on the front porch this afternoon. "Mister" can't reach the birds from there. Thank goodness.

I did manage to get a fairly good pic of one of the goldfinches.

There were four on the feeder at once a bit ago, but the camera wouldn't focus well enough to get a good shot. I think I'm gonna ask Santa for a new digital camera this Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin!

    I love the picture and the camera shy bird! I hope you all have a great holiday weekend. Our next one is at the end of August.
