Friday, June 4, 2010

Quiet Week

It's been a quiet week here in Hitchins. The weather has been super nice too. Summer is now officially underway with it's warm sunny days.

The cats are all napping in the shade while I slip ice cubes in their water bowls and a couple in my glass of tea.

The morning was spent washing down the front porch and the deck. It looks so much better without all the dust.

I took a few pics around the house and thought I'd share.
Here's a favorite flea market find that hangs in the kitchen.

This is a prim door greeter I created from muslin. It's been painted antiqued and sealed. It hangs on the mirror in the upstairs guest room.

All of these dolls are my creations as well. They line the bed in the guest room upstairs.

My collection of Pooh characters also line a shelf in the guest room.

This prim gathering is found in the livingroom.

And this little sheep themed shelf sits above it.

Ray's dad's birthday is tomorrow, so we'll go over for a visit.

I promised my mother-in-law I'd bring her some lavender. It's just now beginning to bloom. Definately going to make some sachets and lavender oil too.

Here's a recipe for homemade lavender oil.

• Fill a jar with lavender stems with leaves and flowers that have been lightly crushed.

• High quality almond or olive oil should be poured on top thereafter and this mixture should be allowed to steep for about a month.

• The jar should be gently shaken daily to ensure that the lavender and oil mix well.

• After the month is over, the mixture needs to be strained through a strainer and the oil needs to be transferred to a clean covered jar.

* Lavender fragrance is used as a soothing stress reliever, and also helps cases of insomnia or other sleep disorders.

*Five drops of lavender oil used in bath water before sleep helps soothe nerves and relieve insomnia and stress.

*Lavender oil topically applied on the temples helps cure headaches, migraine etc, as the oil is absorbed by the skin and the constituents of the oil calm the nerves, relieving pain and excitability.

*The lavender herb is a time-tested analgesic and has been used since ancient times for bug bites, burns, skin disorders, to relieve itching, rashes, and reduce swelling.


  1. Thank you for the recipe. I don't currently grow lavender but I think with this information I should plant some.

    I love the dolls in the guest room. It makes the room so inviting. Robin

  2. Hi Robin!
    Like you, I used to make a lot of toys and animals but that was a great many years ago. Then I went on to tailoring and dressmaking and had my own business. For relaxation I used to design and make machine knitwear but that's all a long way in the past.
    Have you tried adding lavender seeds and flowers to a basic plain butter cookie recipe or sprinkled some in apple pie instead of cinnamon or cloves? It's great for a change too.
